Naked Browser Pro

Thank you for using Naked Browser Pro!

i. bookmarks import

Import bookmarks from the free version of the browser.
1) In the free version go options > Data options > Export bookmarks
2) In the pro version go options > Data options > Import bookmarks
3) You may want to delete the bookmarks.txt file from your downloads folder.

ii. JavaScript rules

JavaScript is a programming language used on many web sites to provide great features, but it can also cause browser slowness, instability, privacy issues, and other problems. You can turn it off but still allow some sites that you approve to use it.
1) Go options > JavaScript, and turn it off.
2) A JS reload icon displays in the browser's bottom menu. Press it once to temporarily run JavaScript for a site. Long press it to set a rule to allow sites that you want. Once set, you can long press to toggle off/disable rules.

iii. user agent rules

A user agent is a bit of text sent by a browser so that web sites can decide which version of a web page to display. A browser could identify itself as running on "mobile Android" or "desktop Windows" and a web server may use this information to return a mobile-optimized or full desktop version of a web page.

Usually, you will keep the user agent set to your preference: for example "desktop". However, you may notice that some sites work better when you request the mobile Android version. In these cases, long press the user agent button on the browser's bottom menu and set a rule to always use the Android user agent for this site. From now on, the browser will use the user agent rule that you have set instead of your usual preference. Long press to change or disable the rule.

iv. image rules

Images are great but they delay page load times and scrolling, and are often not needed to enjoy the web. Turning off images not only saves major bandwidth, it can actually improve your web surfing experience. Turn images off, or only show when on WIFI. Load pix on demand and set rules so pix always show on some sites.
1) Do app options > Images > turn off images or only over WIFI
2) Image button displays in browser bottom menu. Press to temporarily load images for a site **
3) If you always want images to display on the current site, long press the image icon. This step can be done in place of step 2 above to load and make a rule all at once.
** On some older devices, page reload sometimes required.

v. cookie whitelist

Cookies are bits of text used by sites to store information in browsers, like remembering that you are logged in to a site. However, advertisers use cookies to track you and cookies require extra bandwidth.

Most people leave cookies turned on, which is OK, but you can create a whitelist so that cookies are only kept for sites that you approve.
1) Go options > Data options > Cookies clear on exit, and turn it on.
2) A cookie icon displays in the browser's bottom menu. Toggle it on for sites (like so that they can store cookies.
3) Use the browser's exit button to clear all cookies and leave only those you have whitelisted.

vi. block list

Web pages load data from many sources, sometimes displaying ads or malware. In newer Android versions (after Gingerbread) you can block data. Create a text file called .nbhosts.txt in your download folder. When the browser launches, it looks for this file and creates blocking filters. You can use the adblock format such as this file or the etc/hosts format also works. To reload a site allowing blocked content, long press the bottom menu "reload" button.

vii. "immersive" full screen

View web pages in true full screen by hiding system buttons for < back, O home, [ ] switch on supported devices.
1) Long press bottom menu "fill screen" button and enable the immersive checkbox.
2) Swipe in from screen edge shows hidden system buttons /\ O []
3) Set gestures to show menus and navigate back so you do not have to rely on hidden buttons.
4) Increase "Number of rows on tabs" so top menu still usable when system status bar overlays.

viii. night mode

The night mode button on the bottom menu darkens web pages to give eyes a rest, and saves power on some devices. Depending on Android version, 1 or 2 types of night mode are available. Long press the night mode button to check if you have both types. Due to limitations with the Android WebView component, night mode does not work on all web sites.
Options allow you to change the look of JS night mode, including text and link colors. Specify a color using a 6 digit hexidecimal code. Search for codes. Some examples:
FFFFFF D9D9D9 BDC7C1 A9A9A9 7E8889 808080
FF00FF FF3F80 FF0000 DC143C D00000 B22222
FF4500 FF7F50 DAA520 D48872 BC8F8F D2691E
00DD00 ADD8E6 00BFFF 1D8DEE 8CABD9 8888FF

ix. home page

The "Home page URL" option points new tabs and the home button to a different web site, or modify the built-in "Home page HTML" option.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--keep this line-->
<meta name=viewport content="width=747"><!--set width of page-->
<!--JavaScript below handles searches and toggles open/closed folder groups-->
<script>function g(t){document.location.href=t+encodeURIComponent(document.forms[0].q.value)}function C(i){var f=document.getElementById(i);f.className=f.className==="O"?"":"O"}</script>
<!--below: style O applied to closed bookmark/history groups; style L applied to DIVs containing bookmarks & history-->
<body bgcolor=383838 text=ABABAB marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><!--change background and text color-->
<NB:SEARCH><!--modify page search engines-->
<table><tr><td width=21></td><td align=center style="line-height:2"><b>
<a href="javascript:g('')">domain</a> &bull;
<a href="javascript:g('')">stock</a>
<br><form action= style="margin:0px;padding:0px">find&nbsp;&nbsp;</b><input name=q>
<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:g('')">web</a></form></b></td></tr></table>
<NB:LINKS><!--bookmarks & history containers, including width of bookmarks column, & spacer between columns-->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=195 valign=top><NB:BOOKMARKS/></td>
<td width=7></td><td valign=top><NB:HISTORY/></td></tr></table>

more to come

This web page is a work in progress. For more help see this page.
Check back here in the future for more information and thanks again!